Hi! I'm Diego Muñoz

I'm a Jr. web developer

About me

I'm a computer technician, and I'm currently studying at UNADM. I'm a self-taught person, passionate on frontend and backend web development.

I'm starting my professional career developing projects where I can use what I learned, improve development techniques and bring a great user experience implementing the tools and technologies, whatever the case may be.

My objective is being part of the sector to contribute to projects that benefit and bring good experiences to the final user, thus bringing a positive impact in a personal and professional way.

I own certifies that avails my tech skills due to my education trough online courses provided by FreeCodeCamp. Feel free to verify their source.


In my way, I learned multiple technologies and tools that I've implemented in my projects using the MVC architecture pattern and the following technologies.

Also, I've been developing my personal life to bring a positive impact socially and professionally.

My projects

Avatar maker
See code See project

Avatar maker

A web application that allows the user to personalize avatars to their preferences. It's a feature that could be implemented in forums and social websites to bring an identity to the user account.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
Avatar maker
See code


Furniture and home accessories oriented e-commerce, developed with Angular 12 and Sass in the frontend, PHP in the backend, and MySQL as database.

  • Angular 12
  • SASS
  • PHP
  • MySQL
Avatar maker
See code


A web application whose purpose is to bring a good experience in the learning process likewise reinforces the user's knowledge.

  • Angular 12
  • TS
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
See code See project


A web application that uses IndexedDB API and implements functionalities such as 'Drag and Drop' provided by Angular modules for the notes handling and editing where the user can write tasks, reminders, etc.

  • Angular 12
  • TS

If you want to see more of my work, you can visit my GitHub profile here.

Contact me

We can build awesome things together!


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